Is it wrong to edit your photos?
I see this question asked regularly on photography forums. Is it wrong to edit your photos?
A lot of people seem to think post-production is somehow disingenuous, that you are lying to the viewer and presenting them with a false reality.
Of course, sometimes that might well be the case - but I think there is a clear difference between editing photos and doctoring them. Editing is simply improving the finished result so it is a more faithful reproduction of what your eyes saw at the time, while doctoring is a deliberate attempt to deceive.
Look at the two photos below - a very quick shot of a tree in my garden on a misty, frosty morning.
The first is as shot. I haven't cropped it, or altered it in any way.
The second is the finished image. This is how the scene looked to my eyes - it was sepia in tone, misty and dreamy, with the droplets glinting - yet the camera initially...