It’s finally here – and what a first week!
So, Hull City of Culture 2017 is a week old - but it feels a lot longer. And I mean that in a good way.
I'm already feeling a mixture of exhaustion, exhilaration and childish excitement after what's been going on in the past seven days, and if it keeps up at this pace, then this year is going to be simply incredible.
It's been such a long time coming, and after years of hearing the same tired clichés about our downtrodden northern town, it's hard not to be bursting with pride at the way the people of our city of Hull (and a sizeable number of people not from Hull) have supported the year's first events. Well over 300,000 attended the opening Made in Hull installations, and whether that's unique visits or people coming back again and again (and there were lots of them), hardly matters; I haven't seen the city centre this full to bursting since the Hull City promotion celebration...